Independently Accredited
Our Ratings
A.M. Best Company has affirmed the financial strength rating of A- (Excellent) and issuer credit rating of “A-” of Colina Insurance Limited (Colina) (Nassau, Bahamas).
A.M. Best Company is a global full-service credit rating agency dedicated to serving the financial and health-care service industries. Best’s Credit Ratings are independent opinions regarding the creditworthiness of an issuer or debt obligation. Best’s Credit Ratings are based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company’s balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile, or, where appropriate, the specific nature and details of a debt security.

Best’s rating process involves a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of a company’s balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile. This includes comparisons to peers and industry standards as well as assessments of operating plans, philosophy and management. Where the rating is assigned to a debt security, it also includes a review of the specific nature and details of the security.