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#BeatTheBoredom Video Contest. Colina Awards $1,000 cash prize to winner.

Domestic music band - black man and woman having fun during house cleaning, playing with mop and broom

Contestants Beat the Boredom at Home

Winner Walks Away with $1,000

Nassau, The Bahamas, March 31, 2020 – The winner of Colina Insurance Limited’s Beat the Boredom contest was announced live on the Ovadose online radio show tonight. Nichola Miller collected close to 1200 likes for her video reflecting a fun way to cure boredom while stuck at home.

Miller, who won one thousand dollars, collaborated with Rashawn Murray, Celeste Armbrister, Shaé Bonaby, Kiara Diggiss and Dijonnaie Black to create a fun video of facial makeovers they did at home. The video became a crowd favourite in the popularity contest that rewarded the participant whose video received the most likes.

“There was an immense display of talent in the videos posted. It is amazing how creative people are,” said Maxine Seymour, Director of Corporate Communications, Colina Insurance Limited. “Some of the clips were simply hilarious; we were overly impressed by all of the forty-seven submissions.”

Colina’s Beat the Boredom campaign ran on Instagram and Facebook. Persons were encouraged to have fun while engaging in wholesome activities by posting videos showing what they were doing for excitement inside their house or yard, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The video with the most likes today, March 31 at 9:00 p.m. won the associated one thousand dollars’ cash incentive.

“Colina, we appreciate it so much and look forward to future contests,” said Nichola Miller, Contest Winner. “Thank you so much for this opportunity, we had fun making [the video].”

Colina launched Beat the Boredom on March 24 – six days after the Prime Minister of The Bahamas tabled the Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Regulations, 2020 in the House of Assembly on March 18, 2020 which subsequently led to a public curfew and the closure of nonessential businesses.

“These are very serious times for our country and the rest of the world. Persons have to shelter in place to reduce the risk of exposure,” said Seymour. “We wanted to do our part to encourage persons to stay at home and adhere to the measures that have been implemented for our safety.”

Colina employees and their immediate families were not eligible to participate in Beat the Boredom. Posts that were boosted were disqualified and only organic likes counted.

About Colina Insurance Limited

Colina Insurance Limited (Colina) is a diversified financial services company, offering comprehensive life and health insurance solutions. Colina is wholly-owned by Colina Holdings Bahamas Limited (CHBL). CHBL is a Bahamian Company, built on a firm foundation of trust, integrity and responsibility. Colina has evolved over the past 155 years to become The Bahamas’ largest life and health insurer, with a solid reputation for providing insurance and related financial services products that help clients prepare for life’s unexpected events.